Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What Up Lighting Can Do For Your Venue

What Up Lighting Can Do For Your Venue 

 Over the past 2 years, there has been an explosion in the popularity of uplighting at weddings & upscale events. It wasn’t that long ago when it required a considerable amount of money, lots of electricity, a
specialty lighting company & many hours of preparation to light an event facility. It seemed that at least for weddings this was something only for the super wealthy. This has all changed with the recent improvements made in LED lighting technology.

If you’re considering uplighting for your event, there are three basic technologies to consider; traditional incandescent uplights, wired LED uplights and wireless LED uplights.

Traditional incandescent uplights have been around for many years. These fixtures typically use a high wattage white halogen bulb as their light source. A colored filter, known as a gel, is placed in front of the light to change its color.

There are several factors that make the traditional incandescent fixtures impractical for lighting an event space.

First, these lights use lots of electricity. A typical fixture uses a 300w bulb and some use bulbs 500w or
more. It doesn’t take many to blow a fuse or circuit breaker. It’s not such a big deal if your coordinator can get to the fuse box quickly but I’ve heard stories where it’s taken twenty minutes or more. What if your dj or band were on the same circuit?

Because these fixtures need to be plugged in, with these lights come lots of extension cords, unsightly tape and possibly tripping hazards. The cords also limit placement. Because of that optimal lighting designs can be difficult to achieve.

With the electricity and high wattage bulb comes heat. These fixtures get very, very hot – hot enough to be a fire hazard, or to burn little fingers. Because lighting fixtures are a magnet to kids special safety measures
should always be taken.

These lighting fixtures do have some benefits, and it wouldn’t be fair to omit them. First they are cheap to purchase. A quick search on the internet turns up units to purchase in the $20 range. Second, they are quick to set up. Place them on the floor, attach a gel & plug them in, that’s it. Both add up to a quick and inexpensive ticket price for lighting services.

At The Dj Group we only use LED uplighting. Also we offer battery powered uplight fixtures for venues with limited power outlets. Please Contact Us if you would like to add any LED uplihgting to your Wedding DJ package. At only $25 a fixture this is a low cost but very high improvement to the atmosphere at your venue. We have a limited quantity so act fast this is a popular add-on for weddings this summer.

We hope you take this advice into mind when booking your wedding DJ.

Please visit us at: http://www.thedjgroup.net/

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